Diary of a Sunflower: 21 December, year 2

No, I tell you this because I was told to tell it – by what you might call ‘ a higher authority’ – and truth is, the thought of how to tell it has taxed me for so many years.

Miss Garnet’s Angel, Sally Vickers

I’m really struggling with my dad’s death at the moment. More so than I have been. It seems that when I am alone, I sit and cry in the moments in between being busy. 

6 thoughts on “Diary of a Sunflower: 21 December, year 2”

    1. Thank you for your gentle compassion. I am writing about events that happened nearly twenty years ago – these are edited extracts of my journey in Ignatian spirituality from the beginning of that first eight day IGR. I will add the quote I put in the very first diary post to indicate that this is my story, in the hope that readers will realise that I am not writing about now. This part would be far too raw if it were recent. As a spiritual director, I am fascinated and privileged to hear peoples’ stories with God, and to see their relationship with God develop and deepen. In the Diary, I am sharing mine in the hope that it will inspire people to reflect and notice their own. God in all things.

      1. There is no need to apologise, honestly. You are not the first to think I am writing about now. I’m thinking about how I can make that more clear. Thank you for being so caring towards me, that in itself has warmed me. There is so much conflict in the world right now, and I’m finding it upsetting, but kindness, such as yours, just cut straight through all of that. One of those moments of grace to savour in my examen.

  1. DESr Margarrt Mary

    Good that you struggled with your dad’s deat
    And good to allow yourself to mourn
    And absorb natural feelings of loss
    As you would have experienced by now
    Our good Lord keeps you in His love

    Be blessed


  2. What a super comment on salt
    And where you grieved a lot for your
    Dad , I became a work a holic and will go back to work ASAP lord willing , after Marlinda, my wife died .
    But as said previously it is a very sound thing to mourn the loss of a loved one

    Be strong and know that the Lord is with you
    I find it very refreshing to contemplate on the extent to which I have been forgiven by the Lord our God
    And a real challenge to forgive others
    and correctly balance the relationship later 😇🙏🌈 later on .

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