Guided Prayers

Specific guided prayers following the Sunday Lectionary can now be found as podcasts on my channel: Sunflower Seed Spirituality. From this page, you can go to the relevant page for the particular type of prayer you want to do.

Lectio divina

General Lectio Divina Guided prayers you can use with any passage you want to pray with.

30 Minute Lectio Divina
45 Minute Lectio Divina Prayer

Lectio Divina Guided prayers following the Sunday Lectionary.

Imaginative Contemplation

General Imaginative Contemplation Guided prayers you can use with any passage you want to pray with.

Praying with Images

General guided prayers you can use with any image you want to pray with.

30 Minute Praying with Images with Music

40 Day Journey with Julian of Norwich

Prayers in this section are Lectio Divina prayers using the prayer material given in the book 40 Day Journey with Julian of Norwich, edited by Lisa E. Dahil. These prayers were recorded for the Friends of Julian of Norwich 2022 Lenten Book Group.